Eli turned nine months old on Monday (which means he was six months corrected) so his pediatrician told us he was ready to start trying solid foods! We had a bit of a struggle finding the right spoon and Eli wasn't sure he liked all of this...
...but all was forgiven when we showed him his new "big boy" seat.
Bravo pour ce beau bébé qui paraît tellement heureux.Nous sommes chez Francis à Draguignan et nous t'embrassons tous bien.Salutations à Paul. Maman et papa
Thanks for the pics & the video. It's such a treat to watch him grow.
Try your finger!
He's so cute. Our guys use the rubber tipped baby spoons - great for tiny mouths.
salut Steph,
Bravo pour ce beau bébé qui paraît tellement heureux.Nous sommes chez Francis à Draguignan et nous t'embrassons tous bien.Salutations à Paul. Maman et papa
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