Well, it's clementine season again. Eli, Paul and I have been eyeing the boxes of little orange orbs for about a week now but have not shelled out the $9.99 it would cost to sample them yet. Call me crazy, but I think of clementines as a post-Thanksgiving pleasure.
Not so with Eli's friend, Clementine. We have had a couple of recent occasions to hang out with her and her parents, Nikki and Jason. Eli hasn't had a lot of play dates yet and he seemed to enjoy getting reacquainted with his NICU buddy when we had them over for brunch. Clementine seemed particularly interested in eating Eli's socks. Eli played hard to get.

When Paul and I went up to Inwood to visit them at their great restaurant, the
Indian Road Cafe, Jason was a consummate host. He took the babies around to greet the brunch crowd while Nikki and I enjoyed some mommy down-time (Paul was watching the Brown-Columbia football game at Baker Field across the street.) Afterwards, Nikki and I took the babies to the playground and Eli enjoyed his first time on a swing. I think he's hooked.

Lets do it again soon. we had a great time too. Eli is so cute and getting so big. Clemmy hasnt stopped talking about him.
Two of our favorite early birds... we miss you guys!
Great update & pics as always, keep 'em coming, it's such a treat to be able to watch Eli grow long distance.
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