Eli has become the talk of the NICU. The 11 weeks he's spent there gives him the longest tenure of any baby currently in the unit. The nurses all know him by now, and many stopped by in the last few days to watch him breathe without a ventilator and to cheer him on. "You're such a big boy, Eli!" they'll say. Or, "See, Daddy? All he needed was time."
Eli now breathes with the barest assistance of a nasal cannula. Initially, doctors gave him a more cumbersome nasal device known as CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure)—and he hated it. It had a bulky crossbar, it scrunched up his nose and the entire apparatus had to be Velcroed to a hat on his head. But that lasted only a few days. Eli quickly showed he was ready for the least intrusive breathing aid of all.

Way to go Eli!!!!
(Thanks for the great pics)
Can't begin to imagine you joy at the milestones that have been reached this week! We are witnessing the power of love, prayer and patience. Thank you for the beautiful pictures and journal about our precious Eli. Brilliant!!!!
Love ya lots.............Holly
Wow. 4 pounds! Well done young man.
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