Tuesday, February 24, 2009

This Little Piggy...

This is not my first, nor will it be my last posting of Eli's feet. They are just too ridiculously cute! I think I've determined that his feet are about the size of my big toe. It's kind of hard to grasp the concept of how this little guy is ever going to be big enough to fit into those, now huge looking, baby clothes we got for newborns. When I see babies on the street I can't believe how enormous they look.

Though it is hard to see with the naked eye, Eli is indeed getting bigger. He gained weight yesterday and surpassed his birth weight. He's now 801g, or 1lb 12oz! He's also up to 9ml on his feedings. I am hopeful that today will bring another weight gain. He also came down a bit on his ventilator support so he needs a little less help to breathe on his own and maintain the appropriate oxygen levels in his blood. A chest X-ray also came back and showed improvements in his lungs. All this means we are one step closer to being able to hold him. Soon, I hope.

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